Hey, JavaScript developers let's talk about console objects 🤠
This Console object provides access to the browser's debugging console. Use it efficiently .
The most used console.log(); method outputs a message to the web console. The message may be string or one or more javascript objects.
This method writes an error message to the console if the assertion is false. If the assertion is true, nothing happens.
This method logs the number of time the particular console.count(); has been called.
This method outputs an error message in the console.
console.warn() method outputs a warning message to the console.
The console.group() method creates a new inline group in the console . console.groupEnd() method exits the current inline group in the console.
The console.table() method displays data as a table.
The console.time() method starts a timer in the console view. When we use console.timeEnd() with the same name , the console will output the time.
9️⃣Styling console output
We can use %c directives to apply css style to console outputs.
This is for today guys , will again meet in next blog . If you find this blog interesting make sure you follow me on Twitter. Till then signing off signing off😎.